Installing an LROSE Source Release (Mac)

  1. prepare
  2. install
  3. verify

Install XCode

Install either the XCode development environment or a stand-alone version of the XCode command line tools. If you intend to do lots of Apple development and want to use an IDE, then install XCode.

Installing complete XCode

To install the full XCode package, get an Apple ID and register for the Apple App Store.

You will need to provide a credit card, so Apple can charge you if you actually buy anything.
However, XCode is free.

From the App Store, install XCode. Start XCode, open the preferences window, select the ‘Downloads’ tab, and install “Command Line Tools”

Installing stand-alone XCode command line tools

Alternatively, you can install the stand-alone XCode command line tools by downloading “Command Line Tools” from:

You will need to register for a free Apple id, no credit card is required.

Install homebrew

The default location for homebrew is /usr/local. So you need write permission to /usr/local to perform the install.

Run the following ruby script:

/usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
/usr/local/bin/brew update

Optional homebrew install in home directory

If access is not available to /usr/local, you can install in your home directory instead.

git clone

Add brew to your path, based on the login shell you use. Generally you will do this by editing your shell startup scripts.

If you use bash, add the following to .bashrc:

export PATH=${HOME}/homebrew/bin:${PATH}

If you use tcsh, add the following to .cshrc:

set path = ( ${HOME}/homebrew/bin ${path} )
source ~/.cshrc

Then run:

brew update

Install required packages, using brew

brew install szip
brew install hdf5 --enable-cxx
brew install netcdf
brew install udunits
brew install fftw
brew install flex
brew install jasper
brew install jpeg
brew install qt

Prepare build directory

Create a directory for the distribution:

mkdir lrose_build
cd lrose_build

Download source release for OSX

Download the source tar file from:

A typical source release would be:


Untar it

cd lrose_build
tar xvfz lrose-20160823.src.osx.tgz

The distribution will be unpacked into a subdirectory:


Run the build scripts:

cd lrose_build/lrose-20160823.src
./ --prefix installDir

The default prefix is /usr/local/lrose.

This will install in:


Verify the installation

The build checks are run automatically at the end of the build script.

However, you also can run the checks independently:

After the build, you can check the build as follows:

./installDir/bin/RadxPrint -h
./installDir/bin/RadxConvert -h

When Something Goes Wrong …

Make sure your environment is ready for installation.

Handling build errors

If the build does not complete successfully, you will need to track down the errors. It is the first errors in the build that are the most important.

If you get errors, go into the directory giving problems, and run the make as follows:

make |& less

and scroll for errors.

Alternatively, run

make >& make.log

and then inspect the make.log file.